Lina - Dota2 Hero



Lina is a run knowledge legend, capable at obliterating adversary saints rapidly by conveying enormous explosions of mystical harm, making her quite possibly the best gankers in the game.
source from: dota2 game
She has colossal harming capacities all through the game, however is extremely delicate. Two of her red hot spells are her principle wellspring of harm, Winged serpent Slave sends an influx of fire to copy adversaries in her way while Light Hit Cluster shocks them with a concentrated mainstay of sun based fire. Every one of her spells bargains extraordinary harm from the get-go and has a low cooldown. Her Red hot Soul reinforces her assault and development speed each time she enchants, which gives her scaling harm for the later game. Laguna Cutting edge, her definitive, is her secret weapon. Lina shoots an enormous electrical discharge at a solitary objective, managing goliath harm. Laguna Sharp edge's harm is faltering in early-mid game, and late game is sufficiently still to annihilate slight foe saints.

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